
strategic design firm

get in touch

At roam, we focus on crafting strategy and design to deliver transformational results.

Strategy and design are intrinsically linked, strategy guiding design and design refining and evolving strategy. We undertake design to envision and prove strategic direction.

We get out and involve people – customers, users, stakeholders – to ensure both strategy and design hit the mark.

We relentlessly explore, rapidly iterate, quickly find the best way forward and describe it in clear actionable steps.

We use service design, ecosystem and domain modelling, user experience design, information architecture, interaction design, visual design, content and front-end code to deliver outstanding experiences.

Founded by Mark Jones.

For over a decade Mark has led transformational strategy and design projects for Australia's biggest brands including ANZ, ebay, Linfox, BHP Billiton, Priceline, Telstra and Fairfax Digital.

How can roam help?

Contact Mark on 0422 035 083 or
